
Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Too early for independence?

My eldest boy, Ethan who is 32 months old has been wanting to do alot of things by himself.
First he started to wear and remove shoes by himself. Then he wants to wear his own pants, be it the school pants, pajamas pants or the little cute little toilet training boxer. He insist on taking them off or wearing them by himself. Now, he have started to wear his own top, like t shirts and shirt with buttons. He could button up himself but really really slow as he have not master the art of buttoning. So sometimes when he is in the mood to wear his own school shirt, 5 buttons in total, I have to help him along the way if not we won't make it to school in time. He even want to choose his own clothes to wear!

I was actually pleased with him to take the initiative to do things himself. I was even proud that my son could wear clothes himself at one point. Which I think school plays a big part in this. Aand i think to myself, hey my son is all grown up now.

But recently i feel that he too independent at this young age. Isn't he? I thought children at this age would want us to fuss over them, need help with changing. My little baby is growing up too fast! Am I over reacting? Is it just a phase? Should I stop him?