
Thursday 22 March 2012

Look Mum, I have teeth!

Ean has been drooling alot more lately. And we suspect that he is teething soon. He get really cranking and keeps putting his hand or things into his mouth to bite. So we gave him alot of teething toys to play with. He loves those that we put into the fridge, the coldness of the teething toys really help smooth his soreness. And true enough, a few weeks later, we saw his pearly white.

At 5 months, Ean has his 2 little teeth protruding out from his bottom gum. Almost the same time as Ethan. Ethan has his teeth when he was 4 months old.
Many mummies has been asking me why both my sons have teeth so early?
Honestly. I really don't know. I'm not sure what have I done or ate during my pregnancy that they have their pearly white at such a young age. I'm not sure whether is it good or bad but I always joked that they are greedy boys that's why their teeth come out so fast.

Anyway I better take more photos of his almost toothless cute smile before the rest of his teeth come out.


  1. Hi Esther,

    Dropping by from SMB on FB!

    I love gummy grins... but I remember I was a tad worried when my son was still toothless at 8 months!

    When he cut his first tooth at 9 months, it was one huge molar that appeared first, and not the usual top 2 or bottom front teeth. The poor boy was in so much pain, and teething implements didn't help much as they don't reach the back of the mouth.

    Thankfully, he didn't get any fevers or ailments associated with teething, so at least he was spared further discomfort.

    Now at 14 months, he has 6 + 1 teeth, and is eating more voraciously than before.

    Ean is such a cutie! He looks like a very happy, contented baby, too.

  2. Hey Regina, Thanks for stopping by. Isn't it a relieve that you son went thru teething with any sickness. So blessed! Happy parenting!
